How to maintain and achieve the perfect tan in the colder months

Keeping that glow can be hard to keep up with in the colder climates. I'm going to share my tanning routing that I have done for well over a year now.

The Day Before Tanning.

Shower.... OR Bath

I'd recommend showering a day before you're planning on tanning and just exfoliate your skin, this mean the tan can be applied to a fresh layer of skin and it will last longer and look more natural, also I would shave just so my skin is nice and smooth. If I was going to do this on the day I tan i'd probably get those brown dots of all over my legs were the tan seeps in. Which isn't a good look so I do it a day before. After the shower I moisturize to make sure my skin is nice and smooth and hydrated. This will make the tan look better, and again this time of year is usually drying on the skin. So you don't want your skin to look dry and cracked its not a good look and will look so much worse if you apply tan on top as tan is quite drying to the skin on its own.

*Just make sure you DON'T moisturize before you apply your tan as tan reacts to moisturizers and cause it to turn green.*

The Day of Tanning

Shower..... OR Bath

Shower before you tan and exfoliate again to get rid of excess oils, it just creates a nice clean base for your tan.

After my shower I like to put a towel down in case I spill any tan on my floor. Now I pick my tan. I like to go between St Moriz and Bondi Sands both dark/ultra dark and in the moose form.

I love these both but this time I'm using the St Moriz as it is still a favorite and to be honest its just the one I grabbed for at this time.

Tan Time

I like to do my tan at night so develops when i'm asleep. I work in circular motions with my mitt and buff it right into my skin 

2-3 pumps per part e.g. Arm,Top Half of body, Tummy, Back, Upper leg, Lower leg and I use whats left on my my mitt to do my feet and hands I don't like to use a fresh pump as these areas get the darkest, another thing I like to do is just to leave them out (yes they will be whiter but I'll get back to them)

This tan has a guide color same with Bondi Sands. It doent really matter how messy it gets for example if its your first time and it streaky after it has developed and you wash the guide color off it evens itself out. That how I became fine with doing my own back, its hard to reach but if its covered no mater the look then its all good.

In The Morning 

I wash off the guide color in a cool bath. I dont scrub my skin I just use a little soap and I try not to be in there too long. I like it to be a bath because I can get it all off my body a lot quicker than a shower and I like it to be a cooler bath than usual so it doesn't open up my pores and leave me looking the color I was in the beginning (Pretty much).

After my bath I do one of two options I either moisturize and that's me done or i'll use the Bondi Sands tanning oil mostly to just make the tan stay on longer, because I do find Bondi Sands products to last a little longer than other tans and it fades almost instead of going that crocodile skin way and going patchy. I like using this as well, also if i'm in a rush and I need a quick tan i'll use this on its own it gives a subtle color at the start then develops into such a beautiful bronze glow after 4-6 hours (I would apply it with a body brush - the one i use is just from primark) I love using this tan I have went through so many bottles and its definitely one of my favorites.

Also this is what I like to use on my hands, IT'S PERFECT, no really it is I use the brush and goes on so evenly and looks natural.

This time I chose not to use the tanning oil I just moisturized as this particular day I was quite busy. but all in all looks nice and bronze.

Everyday I just wash as normal don't really mind how long i'm in the bath or hot it is, as by this point the tan already seeped into the skin every 2-3 days I lightly exfoliate and you got to moisturize.



This tan last me about one week the I deeply exfoliate to start fresh, i don't keep building it up as it can look a little grubby. 

I do have the new Bondi Sands self tan eraser, which i'v still to try, but let me know if you want to know how it works and maybe I could do a review for you.


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